

The group was formed because of the challenges we were facing individually and to accomplish its aims, SEKK uses well-defined, deliberate ways of working that are well-aligned with the objectives we seek:


  • To facilitate integration and foster social inclusion by encouraging members to actively contribute in giving back to the British/Kenyan society as their newfound home and country, and also give back to our community back home through charity.
  • To collectively advance and transform the lives of SEKK members through various empowerment programmes.


  • To facilitate education and inform the community through various channels, media, seminars, conferences & campaigns to help them overcome barriers to integration and social exclusion.
  • Advocating and offering legal advice to help protect member’s rights and assist them in obtaining their entitlement Eg Immigration.
  • To run specific programmes through various committees targeted at the prevalent needs of vulnerable members of our group such as youth, women and the elderly.
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